"HARRISBURG — State Rep. Tarik Khan, D-Phila., and a bipartisan group of state representatives announced plans Thursday to introduce legislation that would prohibit the use of artificial intelligence to misrepresent a candidate in a campaign advertisement.
“In terms of AI, elections, and regulations, it’s the Wild Wild West. Without significant protections, artificial intelligence and ‘deep fakes’ will have a catastrophic impact on elections, creating confusion and mistrust of the system as technology evolves,” said Khan, who is one of the co-prime sponsors of this bill. “This bill will create some of those essential protections and help to keep our elections safe, accurate, and free from misinformation tactics.”
State Rep. Chris Pielli, D-Chester, another co-prime sponsor of the legislation, shared similar concerns.
“Protecting and ensuring our free and fair elections is the bedrock of our Democracy. Adversaries to this concept, both foreign and domestic, now have a devastating tool to undermine our elections with the use of deceptive AI-generated material,” Pielli said. “We must address this national security, bipartisan issue head on. I urge all my colleagues to join us in this most important legislation.”"...
Read all about it at the Daily Local: