The Environment
My pledge is to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the environment we all share. As a past West Goshen Township Supervisor who fought the pipeline, I am a proven fighter for the health, safety, and welfare of our residents.

I will fight to fairly fund our excellent public education system and promote public pre-school opportunities throughout our District.

Women's Reproductive Rights
I will vigorously defend access to affordable health care to include women's choice and reproductive rights. I will vehemently oppose anti-abortion policy measures, such as PA Senate Bill 106 which aims to amend the state constitution and ultimately ban abortion in Pennsylvania. A vote for me = A vote for women's rights.

While hard working Pennsylvanians are suffering from high inflation and stagnant salaries, the Republican controlled Senate is sitting on our House legislation to raise the Minimum Wage and give a Cost of Living pay increase for many of our retirees who have been waiting for 21 years! I will work tirelessly to legislate for fiscal policies and economic opportunities to protect our middle class against vested interests and greed.

Gun Violence
Gun violence is a serious Pennsylvania health crisis. I will fight for commonsense gun safety reforms on which the vast majority of us agree. We can respect the second amendment and keep our children safe.

Equality and equity are under attack. I will defend our Right to Vote and expand access to the ballot box and protect the equal rights of all of our citizens against radical legislation and marginalization.

As a Veteran myself, I will fight for my fellow Veterans to ensure they receive the care and support they deserve.